Author Guidelines

Thank you for considering Scholarly Interdisciplinary Media for Academic Knowledge (SIMAK) for your scholarly contributions. Please carefully follow these guidelines when preparing and submitting your manuscript:

  1. Manuscript Preparation

    • Manuscripts should be prepared in English and formatted according to the SIMAK template, which includes title page, abstract, keywords, main text, references, figures, and tables.
    • Use Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include line numbers throughout the manuscript for easier review.
  2. Title Page

    • Include the title of the manuscript, names and affiliations of all authors, corresponding author’s contact information (email, phone number), and acknowledgments (if any).
  3. Abstract and Keywords

    • Provide an abstract of 200-250 words summarizing the main objectives, methods, results, and conclusions of the study.
    • Include 3-5 keywords that accurately reflect the content of the manuscript.
  4. Main Text

    • Structure the main text into sections such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion. Subheadings within these sections are encouraged where appropriate.
    • Clearly state the research objectives, describe the methodology used, present results with statistical analysis where applicable, and discuss the implications of the findings.
  5. References

    • Follow the APA (American Psychological Association) 7th edition style for citing references.
    • Ensure all references cited in the text are listed in the reference list, and vice versa.
    • Include DOIs or URLs for online sources whenever possible.
  6. Figures and Tables

    • Number figures and tables consecutively in the order they appear in the text.
    • Provide clear and concise captions for each figure and table, including any necessary explanations.
    • Ensure all figures and tables are of high quality and can be easily interpreted.
  7. Ethical Considerations

    • Provide statements on ethical considerations, including approval from relevant ethics committees for studies involving human or animal subjects.
    • Disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could influence the interpretation of results or recommendations.
  8. Submission Process

    • Submit your manuscript electronically through the SIMAK online submission system.
    • Ensure all supplementary materials, such as datasets or additional figures, are included with your submission if applicable.
  9. Peer Review Process

    • All submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous double-blind peer review process.
    • Authors will receive notification of the editorial decision and reviewers’ comments, which should be addressed in any revised manuscript submission.
  10. Copyright and Licensing

    • Authors retain copyright of their work and grant SIMAK the right of first publication under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0).
    • Ensure proper attribution of authors and sources when using or distributing published articles.
  11. Publication Ethics

    • Adhere to the highest standards of publication ethics, including avoiding plagiarism, respecting copyright, and maintaining transparency in reporting research findings.

For further guidance on manuscript preparation and submission, please refer to the detailed Author Guidelines available on the SIMAK website.